Blogger speaking

Sunday: Last day of spring break. Our son and girlfriend tried to get home from Asia, and hubby with our daughter from USA. In Asia, the flight to Amsterdam was canceled and, in consultation with the home front, she took the first possible flight to Europe. Everywhere the flights were full and eventually Düsseldorf was chosen instead of Schiphol. Our family had been looking forward to watching F1 together. It became taxi mom, Kiss&Fly zone Düsseldorf Airport, surfboards and bags in the back, yes/no alcohol moment during F1 race became the Formula1 app and Max followed in the car. Finally 8:00 pm with all travelers at home and a toast with a Moët Chandon on everyone's homecoming and of course on Max's first race. For me a 0/0 Freixenet. Received a nice compliment from the children; they find me very cozy without wine.
Monday: The hall full of bags and surfboards, a very cozy - and unexpected - breakfast together. Traveling through Germany with hubby and whether or not to have lunch with a German Riesling wine, we moved to Tuesday for one day in Maastricht and a lunch with or not an Apostelhoeve wine. Today fun with family and despite the rain, walked outside in the woods with the Pip. In the afternoon I took our son and girlfriend to their apartment in Amsterdam. Today the challenge was far in the background, I was much more hungry for a nice apple or a cappuccino.
Tuesday: With hubby to Maastricht. Very cozy together in the car and chatting about everything and our renovation plans. At the height of Nijmegen we came in a heavy snow shower, wet snow and dark sky. Then decided to drive to Roermond and go to the RL Store for hubby. It was not city weather and also very quiet at RL. We succeeded very well and very nice. Took a small lunch there and didn't think about the challenge for a moment. The alcohol break has become very common, I was more concerned with the 'calories' of a cappuccino with skimmed milk in Starbucks. Notice that in general I am indeed more concerned with calories than with 0/0 wine. When we got home, our daughter turned out to be nauseous. Our son had traveled from Asia, but her nausea was more like a stomach flu. I didn't have to make her favorite pasta, we opted for vegetables and baby potatoes. After dinner a cappuccino and then kept it nice with tea.
Wednesday: My nausea and stomach flu started in the evening. I have rarely felt so miserable and so cold. Even had a very old-fashioned jug in bed for the stomach ache. I'm quitting my blog this week and will be back in a few days. We are entering our third weekend with the 'challenge', pretty good of us! I also don't know if the challenge '40 days not a drop' includes being sick or is exclusive, I can think about that. Good luck to you and see you next week!