Straight from the pen: Debbie

There we were. Ready for departure towards the Ardennes. Packed things, arranged a cat sitter, saw on Google maps that there were no traffic jams, check for the last-minute toilet visit. A weekend without worries, in a beautiful environment, doing things together actively. Even our teenager wanted to go mountain biking and bowling with his parents. Just before we closed the door behind us, Bastiaan took one last look at the website of our Center Parcs: the park closed at 12 noon. Visitors were advised not to leave or to return home. We had to take a break from that…
The positive side of this drama: the expected temptations of the holiday remained at the same distance as our holiday park. Even completely 'no worries' in that regard, since it became more and more complicated in our own country to go out for dinner, visit an amusement park or find another form of entertainment. To complete the restrictions, our car also decided that we should stay at home for the next few days.
So it was a sober weekend in several respects. IPas-technically all right, family-technically a bit very unfortunate. The bubbles came in the days after. Because corona also turned out to have consequences for our company. Training days had to be postponed, locations and appointments cancelled. How about bubbles? As an entrepreneur, I am at my best when I have to switch quickly and can link existing plans to new ideas. Making one and one three, that kind of work. So I got to work. The e-learning that was already ready for the participants was activated first. My creativity flowed and bubbled away. Also with a teenager who is home from school; he was having a great time amid the grumbling at school. And from the thought that I had to take good care of myself right now, I managed – for the first time in 4 weeks – to follow my eating and sports planning all week without any problems. A pat on the back for myself and a kilo less on the scale.
In the meantime, as I write this, it has become weekend again. And since yesterday I feel like a flattened beer. Tired of all the running and flying. To the supermarket, the drugstore, the bicycle shop, from news item to news item and from fear of what is to come to confidence in the now. After typing this blog, it is high time for a walk in 'our' forest, a phone call to friends and of course relax with Bastiaan.
And next week? Well – just like many with me, there are no dinners, pub visits and parties planned for the time being. The temptation to order a 0.0 % beer from the brand new delivery service of our favorite pub only lasted a short time. Long live my resolve to set a good example for our teenage son. When I look back on my recent experience with this alternative, I also found that I was mainly preoccupied with the thought 'Actually, I would rather have drunk a beer with alcohol'. After a Very Quiet Weekend, I am mainly planning to make it another energetic week. A week in which I seriously think about how I want to deal with alcohol after these 40 days ... I don't want to stop completely (like more IkPassers). But how do I find a balance between the pros and cons? Who knows, the current crisis may help to answer that question more easily.
I wish you and your loved ones a lot of patience, trust and above all health in the coming time!