Blog Hanneke
oh that liver
My fifth graders have started the serious work: the school exams. They don't have that many for the Dutch subject, so every school exam is a source of slight panic.…
I'm busy at work. My 29 exam students are taking an oral school exam about their book list this week and I'm doing my preparation and the orals themselves for and...
The phone challenge
I was on a field trip for a week with 39 fifth-graders, teenagers of about sixteen. In normal school weeks they do what all sixteen year olds do: they come to school because it is…
Heart Thief
I have corona. For two years I worked around the lockdowns at school: hundreds of children around me, sometimes even half a class at home sick, and…
Better nothing than a little
The first days of the 40 days not a drop! have flown by – no, it's even been over a week. I've had it there a few times over the past few weeks…
stubborn thoughts
The head is off: the first days without alcohol of 40 days not a drop are a fact. It was about time because after Dry January I was back in shape…