Better nothing than a little

The first days of the 40 days not a drop! have flown by – no, it's even been over a week. I've talked about it a few times over the past few weeks with people around me and I've noticed how many people say, 'I should do that too.' Especially when I tell them how much I normally drink and they first answer: 'Oh, but that's not too bad, I drink that much too. That's no problem, is it?' When I go ahead and tell them how much better I feel from not drinking, they are impressed and soon a 'Gee, really dude, even if you drink so little?' or 'Gosh, that sounds like a good idea'.
Because how fast and easy it is, not drinking it. During the first days of Dry January I had to tell myself sternly that even half a glass of wine after a long working day was really not the intention. Now I immediately fall back into the familiar and pleasant pattern of the second half of that month: I sleep better again, I feel fitter and I feel like doing my running laps. Now I realize once again how a shame it was that in February I let go of my intention to only drink on weekends (and then also very moderately).
What kind of strange mechanism is that, that I can do without it but have trouble keeping size? The same goes for biscuits, French cheese toast and super sweet candies (think hearts, meringues, fudge and nougat): I can't stop at just one or even a handful. I never get nauseous, nor do I ever get drunk, but I can get rid of decent amounts. That's why I never have much stock in the house because what there is calls and whispers and screams at me. Better nothing than a little, that's how it works for me.
Actually a good challenge: I'm going to stock up next weekend and not chips or nuts or other snacks I don't care about, but my favorite treats. Every now and then I get one, or maybe two, but that's about it. Next week I will post a photo of the opened packaging with a lot of content still. Already looking forward to. Well, in that photo, and in that challenge. Well, okay, and also in the sweets.