WinterDry, Yes You Can!

It's a wrap. The battle is almost over. Not quite yet, because there are still 5 full days to go. It's just how you count. March 29 is the day that this 40 day challenge is over. Do you know that there have even been participants who have been completely dry since 1 January? They participated in the 30 and 40 day challenge and in the period in between they also had no alcohol. In principle an IkPas period of almost 3 months. Isn't that a good idea for a new challenge? Winterdry, yes you can!!! I would say just enter directly.
Almost 6000 people have participated in this 40 day challenge and this year there have already been more than 42,000 participants in the various challenges. The IkPas challenge is a fantastic project that not only focuses on not drinking alcohol, but also on health and awareness.
It's my third 40 day challenge, and I can say that THIS one really impressed me. Whether you are a heavy drinker or a moderate drinker or just a social person, it doesn't matter. The danger lurks for everyone that, for whatever reason, you lose it from reality. If you have participated in these challenges a number of times, you will eventually realize the impact of alcohol use.
Being confronted with your health during the challenge is only a good thing. You read about it and often you click on another site on the internet, or you have changed your search. How about 'alcohol and liver' or 'alcohol and brain damage'. It's confrontational. Right now during these 40 days I have experienced it as such.
My participation and writing of the blogs I have done from the perspective of a retiree, but fill in any group or age. Your health is so delicate. The body is such a unique process. I thought the great thing about this challenge was that for me it was no longer just about the alcohol but the well being in general. Mentally it is also quite a process. It is comparable to smoking. When you stop doing that, you start looking for an alternative. Often that is snacking or eating too much. The usual compensatory behavior. During this challenge I also discovered that by looking for an alternative I pushed the actual challenge into the background, with the danger of falling back. I did that differently and halfway through the challenge I confronted myself. Like I said, health is so delicate. You have no 100% influence on your health. There are things that just happen to you. But remember: your body does what you do. When you fall into disrepair, the body joins in just as easily. If you boost yourself, the body feels that as a huge boost.
Over the past few weeks I've had a lot of nice comments on my blogs. I also enjoyed and learned a lot from my fellow bloggers. cheers!! It was also fun and special to write them. Confronting too. I once showed myself this side to family and acquaintances. It is of course also true that 'the soup doesn't get that hot……'. If you know what I mean.
I will of course participate again next year. This time I will also involve my environment. My friends on Facebook, my non-Facebook friends and just anyone who wants to join the Winter-dry team, and then we'll go through the winter alcohol-free.
The next 9 months until the new challenge will not be a struggle for me anymore. It is more of a relief that I have now entered a different phase. I already enjoyed life. What do you want with a beautiful woman who cooks delicious Indo food, 5 beautiful grandchildren, beautiful sons and daughters-in-law, nice family and friends. Enjoyment has become more intense, and that is because of IkPas. It really is. Join us next year. I'll get you involved via Facebook, Messenger, email or when I see or speak to you. You can't avoid it. WinterDry, Yes You Can.