Time flies, but you are the pilot

Normally – that is, before all unsociable C-states – 9 times out of 10 I am the last one to leave. Whether at the pub or at friends' houses. Unless I go somewhere with my wife Astrid. He sometimes fires some hints at me, as soon as the room is already quite empty and we are already quite full. A friend of mine used to say to his wife on evenings at his house, well past midnight: “Come on, honey, let's go to sleep, because the guests want to go home”. At those moments, under pleasant circumstances, I just don't have that much sense of time. Usually I also don't know what time I eventually come home and at what time I go to bed.
Last Friday it was different. This last party night of 2021 and at the same time the very first party of this new year, I regularly checked the clock. My cousin, also one of my best friends, invited us to celebrate New Years Eve with him and his family, just the four of us. We approach it negatively, with a positive feeling as a result. Because his parents both had C, and his mother in particular was quite serious, he appreciates it if we do a self-test beforehand. Our girls would like to come along, as long as they don't have to cycle… adolescents. Astrid likes to drink wine or a nice beer. So I will drive, then I immediately have an extra stick behind the door. Still a bit for the atmosphere, and because I just like it there, I drink two glasses of winter beer before twelve o'clock. On New Year's Eve it is quite easy to keep an eye on the time, because you are constantly reminded on TV and by the entire company: “Only one hour left”, “..already at number 5 in the Top2000” and “We almost counting down…”.
Bam. IkPas time! As I promised myself, it will be 0.00 percent from 0.00! After quite a lot of beautiful fireworks in the area, the necessary 'òòòhs and áááhs' and some best wishes on the street, we remain guests for a few hours. From the somewhat firmer winter beers, to the alcohol-free autumn buck. It tastes fine to me. I still watch the time; because I don't want to go home until the alcohol from last year wears off. That's no problem at all, we're still having a great time.
Saturday - New Year's Day - I get out of bed fairly early. Breakfast is already served at nine o'clock. I feel good, want to do things. First out for a short walk and then some shopping. In the afternoon I bake a cake for the first time in my life. With a little help from my daughter. I always thought that this would be a fairly time-consuming job, but it's not that bad. It's more a question of: Do I want to make time for it? And that's how I've been in it a lot more lately. I have long since replaced the earlier 'I don't have time' with a sporadic 'I don't have time for that'.
It strikes me that I am also awake very early on the other days of this week. But equipped, so ideal. I decide to take advantage of that. I start my workday much earlier so that I have some time in the afternoon for things I never seem to get around to. For example, I assemble a metal mini construction kit of a scorpion, precision work. My one daughter studies a mosaic artwork and the other builds a tech Lego stock car. Cozy at the same table, accompanied by music. And one day I clean up the living room with them. The Christmas tree goes out, all Christmas stuff can go back to the attic. And we throw away a lot of old 'played up' toys. Tasty. You put in some time, but it makes you feel fulfilled. In any case, it is nice and valuable to do something in the house with the three of you every now and then; spend some time together. In addition to the IkPas alcohol break, I have therefore decided to do something else: I use my time more consciously. Things that must, must. But in addition, I myself divide the time that I have left, with things that I have time for! The clichés and tile wisdom fly around your ears on 'the socials', but I mention this quote in connection with the theme of my blog: “Time flies, but you are the pilot!”
But I have to finish in time now, because my tea is getting cold. I wish you a good and dry week, whether it rains or not! See you next week, same day, same time.
Jeroen in long
My name is Jeroen, I have been married for 48 years and 16 years to my dear Astrid. We have two smart and talented daughters that we are very proud of, a weird cat with one eye and generally a good life together. I like squash and powerwalk and after 25 years of goalkeeping at indoor football, kickboxing has become my number 1 sport. I've been doing that for about three years now. It is a very intensive sport; good for your whole body, for your condition, reflexes and mindset. As a result, I immediately started paying more attention to my habits; especially with regard to exercise and health, tension and relaxation, eating and drinking.
Just like last year, I am trying to knit Dry January and the 40-day IkPas together and to keep this detoxing until Good Friday. That will be difficult for me anyway, because I can't relax very well and I still really like specialty beers! Also the feeling it gives me, a bit of that light buzz; that takes the sharp edges off life.
During the lockdown you will of course not be tempted to let yourself go in the pub or at parties and events. But what does pose an imminent danger is that you feel the need to drink a little more at home; out of boredom or more or less as "escapism". Escapism is an escape from reality. Many do this by watching series on Netflix, spending a lot of time on social media, others do this with alcohol or (other) drugs. The plan is not to let that happen! And that is my reason for participating in Dry January, especially this time.
I see this blogging as a kind of self-analysis, hopefully with which I will simultaneously motivate and support others who have the same goals and stumbling blocks. I am also very curious about how you experience IkPas and would love it if we could help each other through these channels with tips and experiences.