Straight from the pen: Jeroen

One of the few events that hasn't been canceled or postponed this year, is also one of the most spectacular and one that many people look forward to: Spring! In fact, it starts earlier and earlier. Spring no longer waits its turn and fearlessly supplants winter. This year she dethroned King Winter almost at the beginning of February. And that while there is still a Wintervrundje in front of me cold; perhaps the best beer in the world. I would reward myself with it after this alcohol break. But I think I'll skip it this year, just like the winter has skipped. It leaves me cold. Both remain 'in the refrigerator' as far as I'm concerned. I have already received my reward and I enjoy it much longer: a good feeling in the spring.
I love spring. A new beginning, a fresh start. Also every year the start of the fair and festival season. In the municipality where I live, the first fair of the region always takes place on the Easter weekend. I was allowed to take care of all announcements and therefore also the poster for this. As a graphic designer I design posters for various organizations and cafes in the area. I usually don't charge much for this; but over the past few months I've made a lot of designs literally for nothing! The fairground posters, for example, were printed in large numbers but never distributed. They look spotless; a neat piece of printed matter goes unseen with the old paper. Also for the Orange committees and neighborhood bars I see many of my creations on the internet with an ugly frame through it that says 'cancelled'. A waste of my work, but above all very sad for all catering entrepreneurs, organizations and the many people who would have liked to visit those events.
I think a bright spot is that almost everyone tries to make the best of it. This Saturday, for example, a kind of pub quiz was organized from my favorite pub, which you can participate in at home by mobile phone. There I saw the paint cans on the billiard table in the front café and the manager asked me to make a design for a new nameplate for the facade of another café. They see the opportunity for a makeover. Privately, many people have also started doing odd jobs and that keeps the stores running somewhat in this difficult time.
Well, you have to do what… the crisis. It remains a kl.te situation. But I secretly like it sometimes. Recently I needed something from the hardware store and I walked past the shopping center. Normally everything whizzes and races past you. But now; so wonderfully calm, the sun in my face, I absorbed her energy. There is just no enormous pressure for a while, everyone seems friendlier and more patient, there is no perceptible need. And I use that feeling to continue fitting after today - the last day of the 40 days. I started on November 8. There are no upcoming events, so I'm sure I'll keep this non-drinking going for at least six months. As a somewhat shy occasional drinker, you are not embarrassed to drink without occasions.
Do what feels right to you, dear IkPassers. If you want to drink something again from tomorrow, that's fine. But perhaps now with more awareness and also more aware of yourself. Because of this alcohol break, but also because of the crisis, you will have noticed that we are much more flexible and tougher than expected. We appear to be able to adapt very well to all kinds of circumstances. Without alcohol you are more resilient and you have more energy, you have now really created a buffer. Use that to be able to see and experience all the beautiful things around you, because that is the most important thing: stay healthy and keep enjoying!
Regards, Jeroen