Nice long break

It's January 27. It will also not be the case that the IkPas January month is the longest month, eh, 31 days! Four days to go!
Other years I also participated in IkPas or Dry January. That always felt like kind of holding my breath. Because I had as a rule only on Saturdays to drink, I was bummed if 1 February did not fall on a Saturday. That was a few more days of waiting 😉
Now that's different. After all, I will no longer drink from September 26, 2020 and I do not intend to start again for the time being. In fact, I also registered for the other IkPas challenge, the 40 days not a drop. I initially expected that it would also start on January 1, so we would already be at three quarters after this month, but the challenge won't start until February 17. For me personally a good stick behind the door until February 17 and the 40 days after this date to remain alcohol-free.
Every now and then I imagine what the summer vacation will be like. I think it helps me if I try to imagine what it feels like to spend it alcohol-free. In any case, it remains to be seen how we are going to fill this in, since there are few possibilities for the time being.
But apart from that, I think it would help me in the first years not to stay in Austria according to the all-inclusive formula. Not that we drank ourselves to death there, but after the many kilometers of mountain walks we thought we deserved the half liters of beer on the terrace and the nice full glasses of wine with dinner!
By filling in the holiday completely differently and for example going camping just like in the old days, it might be in a way easier to sit on the terrace in the hot French sun with a cool cola!
And as I mentioned in my first or second blog, the more activities, parties, events you enter alcohol-free, the more alcohol associations you can break. This makes it feel more and more certain that that party, that holiday and that cremation can simply be alcohol-free for you if you want it.
Maybe you have a plan like me. I see how long I want to do this and for that long I don't drink at all.
Maybe you have a plan like my old me. In February I will continue where I left off, it was an experience that I had again and who knows, I may participate again next year.
In all cases, we can all be proud of ourselves!!