Blogger speaking

Drinks, birthday and a boring rainy Wednesday afternoon. All without wine, and all completely fine.
On the birthday there was 0.0 red wine. Also interesting to try. Berry juice with a red wine scent. I'm not a fan, I'd rather just take a coke zero. The birthday was fun, but I do notice that without wine at a party I tend to have a slump moment, so around nine I was yawning every now and then!
This is week two…..have I noticed anything yet? Well, maybe I sleep better, deeper. I notice that I sleep a lot more peacefully, but I don't immediately feel more energetic than far so good. I feel fine, so nothing exciting to report.
I do notice that I think more often: just having a drink at the weekend is fine. I think I'll take that with me. After this Dry January, continue with a new hipster term: Damp January* : ) an occasional drink, just fun!
And now…..on to week 3. Good luck everyone!
*Damp January = humid January