Blogger speaking

Oh no! I deliberately drank two glasses of wine… yep, now I'm finished. Last Tuesday my mother turned 69. It's been a rough year for her, so we were happy to be able to celebrate this birthday. And then I wanted a glass of wine. And I did. And then one more.
There were two voices in my head, one said loser. The other was a bit nicer, who said: Phew, you're doing a great job and after January you can continue with only drinks at parties and parties, so go ahead :) This is the same voice that makes excuses not to go to sports and so on. Still, I listened to that voice… but I'll just continue pausing (and add two demerits).
In my case, taking further breaks not only means not drinking alcohol, but also extra moments of rest in the bath, going to bed on time and walking. Enjoy the month.
And have you also accidentally / on purpose consumed an alcoholic snack? It'll be fine. You just pick up the thread again. And remember: you do it for yourself, so be kind to yourself!
Blogger speaking
This was it. The weeks are over. What did I learn from it? Just drinking a glass of wine on the couch is unnecessary. You can relax in many other ways; asked for…
Blogger speaking
Drinks, birthday and a boring rainy Wednesday afternoon. All without wine, and all completely fine. On the birthday there was 0.0 red wine. Also interesting to try. Berry juice with a…
Blogger speaking
Hi, I'm Kelly. 39 years old, English teacher, world traveler, book nerd and mother. I'm participating in Dry January, like so many others, to think about what alcohol actually is...