Not done and not done

Sooooo…..I am quite relieved to write my first Dry January blog of this year. Relieved, because the first week is almost over. How intense that sounds I notice… it's only alcohol, it only lasts 1 month. But quite confronting to notice that every day I had moments where I caught myself 'now I would have had a nice drink'. And I really don't mean that juice!
On January 1, I already tried to manipulate myself. I had a breakup that day with a date…difficult conversation. I thought I really deserved a glass of wine. Not done! Later that day a good friend came to visit us. With him it is really conditioned that we go for a drink. Not done! The next morning we got up early. Proud of my discipline. Bring on the rest of the month.
Due to working irregularly, I don't really have a week/weekend rhythm or a fixed daily rhythm. That means that I can also have a drink day during the week. By not drinking that beer in the evening (and therefore not taking the second one) I feel more like going to bed early…and therefore getting up early.
From previous years I know that the first week is often a bit of a hard time. Alcohol use is a habit. A glass of wine while cooking, a beer when the kids are in bed.
A helping factor is that I had 3 night shifts this week. That makes a difference.
With the start of my alcohol-free month I also started exercising again (spinning). I wanted to take the bull by the horns right away. Even though I know that too many New Year's resolutions increase the chance of dropping out…it feels like a great combination. Both intentions reinforce each other.
Fortunately, I can just keep eating chocolate….;) So losing weight will unfortunately not really be an option for me.
Borrow in short
My name is Leen. A vital 46-year-old woman with Flemish roots and mother of 2 kids. Flemish state is synonymous with good food…and drink. And I don't mean the juices and soft drinks!
As a Belgian from a small village, alcohol consumption has really been introduced to me (figuratively then). I have now lived in the Netherlands for 24 years and I am becoming more and more aware of what 'normal' alcohol consumption actually is.
During the 'Lifestyle Coach' training a few years ago, a fellow student challenged me not to drink alcohol for a month. I took it…of course I could!? And it worked.
Since 3 years I have made it a habit not to drink alcohol in March. For me, spring stands for fresh, new and clean…that gives extra motivation.
Last year I noticed that my alcohol consumption increased. The little voice in my head 'Borrow…it's high time to reset', got louder and louder.
March was still quite far away. So when I saw the call for bloggers and vloggers for IkPas on Instagram, the decision was quickly made.
This is the time! This is my big stick, my extra motivation.
I know from previous years that the first week is tough. A lot of 'habitual behaviour' that I encounter. But I can also remember that after a month of alcohol-free I still have the feeling that I can continue. That gives you courage. I want that. I give that to my body.
An additional argument is that my father is developing dementia at too young an age….that makes me think. I want to do everything I can to grow old with vitality. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
I expect a mental boost if I can continue for a month alcohol-free. That decisiveness and discipline strengthens me. After January I want to drink alcohol more consciously. Less obvious.