Blogger speaking

Do I want to blog for Surely it took a whole second to come to a 'yes, please'. Writing, one of my passions but something I never do, is perhaps the key to a successful year. A year in which 'IkPas' will play the leading role. Not so much the website or the platform, but the 'IkPas' role in my life. And sharing this role through blogging can hopefully help me to succeed in all the passions that I have but never do!
Because alcohol, one of my passions and which I put into practice too often, simply plays a major role in my life. I found this out when I started thinking about participating in an alcohol-free month.
Complete panic overcame me... just the thought. What about my birthday in January, what about the carnival, what about parties..... How about???
Am I a big drinker? No, I don't think so. I like a glass of wine, I rarely drink more than 2 in one evening. But regularly, often 1 bottle per week. You start it on Friday and on Monday evening the last leftover is also used. So that could be less. I love small glasses that do tap like Limoncello and Sambucca. Sometimes we, my husband and I take 1 for fun. And it's still quite often fun with us.... Or when we are together with friends…. Well, I don't really have to explain it, I think everyone understands it.
"Your body is a business," someone said to me the other day. That's how I came to see it. The liver department now needs some extra attention and the fat department is also underperforming. Refined sugars will be a prohibited product within my company from tomorrow and so will alcohol. We are going to make our company healthy again. And we're going to skim a little bit, shrink. We've grown too big, the growth has gone over our heads and we can't take it anymore.
We will hopefully close down the fat department completely, it will only cost money. The liver department will again produce extra well and supply health. But the brain department also deserves our extra attention this year, as does our muscles and balance administration. We have a negative balance. Moving more, also one of my passions that I never get around to, is now on the agenda every day. No fibromyalgia holding me back, just finishing the agenda items every day until it comes naturally. We will invest in the future.
My loving husband (the board member) also attended the meeting and agreed to the cuts. Our children (shareholders) no longer live at home and were very proud 2 years ago when we lost a lot of pounds together with low-carbohydrate food. Unfortunately we have found it again. The shareholders will be very satisfied again in a few months, that is our aim. We are going to put on a very nice company outing: after every alcohol-free month we go out for a nice dinner and with every 5 kilos lost we will spend a sporty day together. On the golf course, on a bike or taking a walk somewhere.
The administration is meticulously maintained in the 'Killerplanner' of Faya Lourens.
No alcohol, no sugars, move more, sleep better, relax more and above all: enjoy life more. But a little different. A little bit without… then it will become with…
Because enjoying life, one of my passions that has also been snowed under, is necessary to keep the company running. Satisfied and healthy staff turn an ordinary company into a top business and that is what we aim for!