Blogger speaking

Actually, I could not have imagined this in advance, a week like this was last week, and then without alcohol. It went amazingly well. And it was still the week of my 54th birthday!
Because besides work we were also busy with odd jobs and cleaning in the new apartment of
the youngest shareholder and his dear girlfriend, it was a hectic week. Tired in the evening, also tired during the day and a packed agenda. Fortunately, my hubby, the board member, is still home sick (not fun for him, but for me and the dog) and I didn't have to do much at home. The end of the week was quickly approaching and unexpectedly I had time off from work.
On the day before my birthday party, I spend all morning shopping so that in the afternoon I can prepare for the party we're going to throw on Saturday. But unfortunately, due to work in our street, a power cable broke and we are without power until 5.30 pm.
No baking cake, no vacuuming, no heating, no washing and worst of all: no coffee.
When we finally have power again, both the indoor temperature and my mood have dropped to zero.
Normally a glass of Sambucca would have warmed me or a glass of wine would have lifted my mood
improve, but now a hot cup of tea also worked wonders. And going to bed early with socks on was great too!
On Saturday we quickly helped the shareholders move until we were fully visited from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m.
It was very nice and the drinks flowed freely, but that is actually on every birthday, so I only now notice.
I didn't miss the wine and the gin and tonic didn't change my mind either. Enjoyed the tea and coke-zero.
My dilemma came the next day… there was at least 1 glass of Merlot left in the bottle on the counter.
And what do you think??
I emptied it into the sink. Didn't even smell it! And it did nothing to me. No problem!
I cautiously conclude that I had no alcohol problem before January 1, and was a moderate drinker.
But this nice sleep that I'm doing now, and I can assume that it's because of not drinking anymore, nobody can take that away from me!
I don't really want to pin myself down with the carnival coming up, but I'm now thinking about sticking to it for a month...
Blogger speaking
It's over, 1 month alcohol-free. Beforehand I didn't think I would be able to do that, I thought too often there would be times when I would find it awkward.…
Blogger speaking
Although my thoughts now often went to a nice glass of red wine, I could still control myself. It was a week full of challenges and also challenges that…
Blogger speaking
Sooooo the first week is over! A little challenge here and there, but I got through it very well. Cheers to myself! At the moment I am experiencing…