Blogger speaking

It's over, 1 month alcohol-free. I didn't think I could do that beforehand, I thought too often there would be times when I would find it difficult.
To my surprise it turned out to be not so bad, alcohol does not seem to play such a big role in my life as I was afraid of.
So why did I have a drink so often? Maybe out of habit or boredom. Often with the wrong intentions.
I thought I would sleep better on a glass of wine but now, after a few weeks of not drinking, I sleep much better.
I thought a party was more fun with a glass of wine, but now I find out that it doesn't really matter… And especially the next day it's fun, because no hangover.
I don't know if I will never drink again, but the intention is to keep it up for a while. I took on the challenge with Evelien not to drink for the month of February and also accepted the challenge for the 40-day challenge. Maarrrr……. I'm not going to pin myself down with the carnival, if I still want to have a drink, that should be possible.
Still, it won't surprise me that I won't drink then.... but I'll keep it in mind haha.
In the first blog I wrote about my passions, which I never did. To my great surprise, I am now fully engaged in some passions. I'm creative again, I'm crocheting again and reading has also been picked up again.
I write again, have ideas and inspiration. The more exercise is fine and the weight loss is slow, but it does happen… Could this be due to no longer drinking alcohol? Seems like too many credits for Dry January. Anyway. It is. I'm in a good flow and I really want to keep it!
I can recommend it to everyone, if only to see if you are dependent on alcohol. Stop drinking for a month and see what happens to you. Although I can't imagine that the little I drank had such an effect, not drinking did put me in a different flow.
Thanks for all the nice comments on my blogs, I will definitely continue this adventure and maybe we'll catch up in a while.
Blogger speaking
Actually, I could not have imagined this in advance, a week like this was last week, and then without alcohol. It went amazingly well. And it was still…
Blogger speaking
Although my thoughts now often went to a nice glass of red wine, I could still control myself. It was a week full of challenges and also challenges that…
Blogger speaking
Sooooo the first week is over! A little challenge here and there, but I got through it very well. Cheers to myself! At the moment I am experiencing…