Blogger speaking

Sooooo the first week is over! A little challenge here and there, but I got through it very well. Cheers to myself!
I am currently experiencing stress at work. Nice work but just too much of all that fun, too busy and too much pressure lately. It will be fine again, but I have noticed that this is a big pitfall for myself. A glass of wine in the evening to relax... (at least you hope so) was of course not an option now. And something delicious to eat instead of the wine was also not allowed…
Poor sleep, at least 4 nights, does not contribute to the joy of the party. The operation that hubby (the board member) had to undergo last Monday was a bit disappointing and I had to play carer all week… I was not really cut out for that either…
The prosecco at my work New Year's brunch was enticing, but not irresistible. Saturday night was different…. but sugar-free iced orange juice and tea isn't even that bad.
All in all, a special week and all the more special that I didn't drink. I almost forget to tell you the most special thing: 2.4 kg off my scale told me (read: I'm doing a dance!!)
Around me I now hear from several people that they participate in Dry January and many also know the website It is nice to hear that they have read my blog and that immediately gives them an incentive. Too bad there is no app that you can easily install on your phone, but maybe this will come?
If I want to speak in the metaphors as read in my first blog, I can say the following: as expected, our oldest shareholder is enthusiastic about the blog and our internal company changes and the youngest shareholder, dear son, is slightly less enthusiastic. Fortunately, he also started working on his own business, stopped smoking! Proud mom! But of course I shouldn't act so weird and writing about him in my blog is completely 'not done'. That's why I do that nicely, he can take a beating! The first bet has been made: if he starts smoking or I start drinking alcohol or gain more than 2 kg, he has to treat him to dinner.
As the main shareholder / member of the board of my own body (company) I can say that I have produced 2 beautiful and very different children (read: the shareholders). Of course with the cooperation of the member of the board, but still, my own development and production company managed this nicely. So I know I have a healthy foundation, even though that was more than 25 years ago.
How wonderful would it be if the liver department (which is undoubtedly fattened and overworked by alcohol consumption) were to become healthy again and started to deliver real teamwork together with other business units. So that my shareholders once again have a healthy, well-rounded parent company. This is still the best motivation and even though there are some big challenges ahead, I look forward to the second week of Dry January with confidence.