Only benefits

One more week to go and then Dry January 2021 will be over. A great opportunity for a short evaluation… what have the past few weeks brought me and how do I proceed after this?
Because I was a bit hesitant about the new IkPas period, I started a few days earlier. This way I created a small lead so that it would be easier for me on January 1. Last year I went wrong on the first day, because after the New Year's dive I really thought that a glass of mulled wine should be part of it. I now realize that I do couple a lot of occasions with a glass of wine. Whether it's something festive or a house-garden-and-kitchen moment, there is always a moment to toast (with myself). But after four weeks of not drinking a drop, I notice that I also experience very nice moments without my glass of wine. My first win!
In my first blog I wrote that I might be able to last longer if I treated myself to everything that says 0.0 % on it. Although experts believe that you maintain a habit and can make it difficult for yourself, it has definitely helped me. Instead of a visit to the wine trail, I now scour the shelves in the supermarket, looking for 'hip' non-alcoholic drinks. At the end of the day I look forward to a new taste experience and, miraculously, I often opt for an ordinary cup of tea. I'll save the 'delicious' for another moment. Even more profit!
I also had that 'thing' at the doctor's. During the annual check up it turned out that certain results were not quite right. Two weeks later, this looks much more favorable. Definitely an eye opener for me, because good health is at the top of my list. I also notice that I sleep much better, my skin is much softer and I am less restless. It's impossible!
And what's next… I have signed up for the 40 days no drop and I am convinced that I will keep this up. For me, the biggest challenge lies mainly in the period afterwards. What do I order when we can go to a terrace again, do I allow myself to drink a glass of wine during holidays and have I earned that warm mulled wine after a day of skiing? Lots of questions I don't know the answer to yet. Time will tell…
But for now I wish everyone a lot of beautiful moments that can be toasted. And whether this is with a 0.0, a cup of tea or a glass of wine… as long as you feel good about it.