Give me a glass of wine! Just kidding…

And suddenly I felt like a glass of wine… on day 18. Thursday afternoon, end of my working day and for me the beginning of the weekend. The three of us are sitting at the kitchen table and my husband asks what we want to drink. Just give me a glass of wine I say and immediately after it JOKE. Of course I would like a glass of wine to relax for a while, but I haven't been working on it all day and hardly in recent weeks. So I easily switch to a glass of water and start my blog for this week…
Last Saturday we were with my mother to watch old school family movies. So nice to go back to your childhood and reminisce about daily craziness, Sinterklaas evenings and holidays. Where the 'visits' to my mother are almost always accompanied by quite a few glasses of wine, I now drank tea and a delicious glass of Gimber. Although there was a delicious alcohol-free rosé from La Tulipe cold, I declined it anyway. No one else felt like it and it didn't feel right to soldier that bottle on my own (because you can't keep an open bottle of bubbly).
But to come back to my family… in our home it was quite normal to drink alcohol. Earlier I mentioned that my grandfather drank a drink from time to time, but my parents did not celebrate a birthday without alcohol when I was a child. And later there was always an opportunity to have a drink; a free evening, a day out, during holidays or just for fun. And when I drank my first beer, nobody cared about it. So I grew up with the idea that drinking alcohol is just part of it…
Hey, I don't blame my parents. They were just different times when people did more things that we can't imagine today. How about baking for hours in the sun (without using sunscreen), smoking in the car with the children in the back seat, not wearing a seat belt in the car and letting your children play outside alone for hours without supervision.
No, our generation does that much better. Because we know that booze destroys more than you would like, we still drink quietly, pamper our children and spend hours on our cellphones while our son or daughter is imposed screen time. But of course we give them all the freedom, provided they are available 24/7. My god, what will become of them?…