yes doctor, no doctor

Anyone who participates in IkPas and who reads this blog has probably wondered what - in my case the daily glass of wine - does to your health. And possibly you – like me – also did a bit of ostrich politics.
When I read somewhere that a maximum of 1.5 glass of alcohol per day protects against possible cardiovascular diseases, but can at the same time increase the risk of other disorders, I interpreted that as: two glasses of wine are fine and the chance of other disorders, that certainly applies. not for me.
But this week I was nicely pressed to the facts. During an annual check-up, it turned out that certain results were not quite right and may be the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle. A little voice in me immediately shouted: “perhaps you could have drunk a glass of water more often and should have eaten more fruit and vegetables”. And of course a doctor will also ask questions…
What do you actually say to the doctor when he asks about your alcohol consumption? Do you speak the truth because you really only drink one glass of wine a day or do you say that you are a moderate drinker, but do you drink a little more? I have now reached a point where I find it embarrassing to tell the doctor exactly how much I drink. So how lucky that I'm in the middle of an IkPas period… because that's what I told the doctor: “IPas at the moment”. CHAPEAU!!
No, of course I'm not proud. Over the past few days I have asked myself several times why I am unable to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Last year I had many New Year's resolutions, such as eating healthier (not that I eat very unhealthy, but the daily portion of fruit and vegetables sometimes falls short), exercising more (I did yoga for a while, which I loved, but stopped again due to a lack of discipline) and of course moderation with alcohol…
The latter is going very well for me at the moment now that I'm participating in Ik Pas again. So I really need that stick. And now that I am on my way so well, I have also signed up for the 40 days not a drop challenge. And how great that from now on you can create your own challenge at any time. In any case, this will help me a lot to last even longer or to insert an IkPas period when I need it.
See you next week and stay healthy!