Wines, wines, wines, wines

For years I have enjoyed a glass of white wine every day and sometimes… or regularly… well actually always, I don't leave it at one. Would I get that from my grandfather? He always said: "I can't walk on one leg and three times is a charm".
A delicious glass at the end of the day to relax, another while cooking or during dinner and in the evening a closing while lounging on the couch. And I haven't even mentioned dinner parties, birthdays and holidays (although these can be counted on one hand over the past year).
In addition, I often drink alone, because my husband is a real social drinker. Every now and then he likes a beer or a glass of wine, but at the end of the evening his glass is often not even empty and a bottom remains and seriously, I also knock that back.
In short, my daily habit has turned into a really bad one and now it's time to change that.
I am participating in Ik Pas for the fourth year and every time it went well. The first time I easily didn't drink a drop for 30 days. The following year even 40 days and in 2020 I was dry for 99 days. After all the IkPas periods, I just couldn't wait to drink my first glass of wine again. And that glass you've been looking forward to so much doesn't even taste that good, the second even more so.
Where I previously thought that consuming non-alcoholic drinks during IkPas was equivalent to cheating, I now think it could help me get through not only this period, but also the time after. So in addition to a water and a cup of tea (which I managed fine with last time), I'm going to treat myself this time to everything that says 0.0 on it.
To be honest, I didn't drink for a week today and my first New Year's Eve 0.0 is a fact. I'm satisfied...or very satisfied...well, actually I'm super proud of myself.
I wish you all the best of luck and see you next week!
More about Manon
I am Manon, 48 years old and I live with my husband and 12-year-old daughter in a beautiful village on the Zeeland coast. I work at the office for four days as a process supporter and we also rent out a nice studio to tourists. In my spare time I like to go to the beach. A nice walk with our dog or in the summer simply enjoy the sun with a snack and a glass of wine. Besides all the daily worries, I like to read a good book, meet up with friends, bake a cake now and then and put a nice meal on the table. I have been participating in IkPas for a number of years now and it is always quite easy for me (last year even 99 days). What I struggle with more is the period after. I quickly fall back into my old behavior and that means a glass of wine or more every day. After the coming IkPas period I want to say 'no' more often. |