Pleasant: wanderlust and huge wine lover Nancy

My name is Nancy and I am 38 years old. In my daily life I work as an HR advisor for an executive organization for 3 municipalities. My hobby is traveling, in all shapes and sizes. Preferably as long and as far as possible, but with a city trip to a nice
Spanish city you also make me very happy. I am also a huge wine lover. During my travels I try to visit as many vineyards and farms as possible, with of course the accompanying tastings. Together with my boyfriend I have now collected a nice collection of wines from Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Georgia, Armenia, France, Spain, Italy, etc. My above-average passion for wines also leads to an above-average consumption of wine and that is immediately the reason I pass. I believe that it is good to consciously not drink for a period every now and then and to give your body some rest. Nowadays people see you as a pariah when you light a cigarette, but having a bottle of wine (or 2) on the terrace is completely accepted.
More and more often I am confronted with the adverse effects of alcohol in my immediate environment. I have now passed 2 times for a month, the first time was on my own initiative and the second time was last January during the IkPas period. I notice that I automatically drink less after a dry period. The rule 'only on weekends' is easy(er) to stick to. Until it sneaks in again to have a glass of wine on Thursday evening, after which the other days follow automatically. I am very good at rewarding myself with a good glass of wine after, for example, a long working day. It's high time for me to have another dry one
period to be inserted. This year we were on holiday in January and I chose to have a Dry March,
after all, a goal must be acceptable and realistic.
I see the call to blog for IkPas as a nice extra motivation and the 40 days compared to a month is a new challenge. I also hope to lose some weight in the next 40 days, I am convinced that those extra pounds are largely caused by alcohol. Because I've just been on vacation for four weeks, my agenda is still pretty empty except for two parties and a drink. But my busy social life does provide extra content. That's where the challenge lies for me,
I can easily get through evenings alone at home with a cup of tea, but drinks with friends are never alcohol-free for me. I have decided to not take my alcohol-free period into account when scheduling appointments, that would be a little bit of cheating. And unlike the previous times, I will not directly mention that I am alcohol-free.
Actually, that is a superfluous addition, even without alcohol I can be very cozy (if I do say so myself). I hope I can encourage the readers and my environment to also have an alcohol-free period when they see that even the biggest wine lover can do without it for 40 days.