Straight from the pen: Nancy

It has been a month since I had a delicious glass of wine and with that my extra time has started. Normally I only pass the month of January, so from today (Friday) I start the 10 bonus days. It's really bizarre how quickly time flies, even when we're 'locked up' at home. I really enjoy that extra free time, without traveling to work and without a social agenda, there is a lot of time left to do the chores, for example, that still wouldn't have been done after we moved.
The post and parcel deliverers drive here and there and gradually all the bulbs in the house have been replaced by spotlights and we are finally creating cupboard space to clear out the last boxes. And after those busy days of work, we are now completely used to just toasting with a 0.0% beer or other non-alcoholic drink.
All those non-alcoholic drinks are in glass bottles and unfortunately there is still no deposit on most bottles. In the past week, that caused me to suddenly suffer from glassware shame, even though there was not one bottle that had contained alcohol. All those non-returnable bottles from the past month resulted in a full bag full of glassware and I found myself very uncomfortable with that. Empty 0.0 beer bottles, empty tonic bottles, empty non-alcoholic wine bottles and the usual empty salsa and pickle jars, also completely alcohol-free. I almost got the feeling to tell my bystanders that it really had all been non-alcoholic drinks, but then I probably would have made the whole situation even more ridiculous.
Then the scales… a deep sigh! Last week was hopeful, last week disappointing. There is still some weight off, but there must suddenly be a significant change if I want to lose those 2 kilos in 10 days. Since I stopped drinking alcoholic drinks, I started exercising. I train with weights twice a week and luckily I can now continue my sports program at home with the help of an app. I fear that the statement muscles outweigh fat does not hold. Due to the current situation and therefore working from home, I really move much less. Since a few days I have also made a change there and I now walk for at least 45 minutes every day. I dusted my sports watch to keep track of the steps. Hopefully this will help to reach the finish line with a nice weight! Stay healthy everyone and see you next week!