Already 6 days on the road!

Hello! My name is Natascha and I am participating in IkPas for the 6th time. Why I decided to participate for the first time 5 years ago, I will tell in a next blog. The first years I participated between Carnival and Easter, but the Dry January version suits me best. After the festive season, when I drink more than average, I like to take a break from alcohol consumption.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's very festive to toast the New Year with a glass of champagne and then enjoy that glass of really good champagne. Because that is what I also have left over from my previous participations in IkPas, when I drink only good wine. So, there you have your first tip from an experienced IkPasser.
We have now been on the road for 6 days in IkPas 2022 without alcohol. How does that feel? Can you already feel that the last trace of alcohol residue has left your body? Or are you still waiting for the first signs that your body is recovering? What would you like to experience at the end of this month? Sleep better? Lost a few pounds? Faster off the starting blocks in the morning?
In the past, I was the first to notice that I sleep more peacefully and better. In the morning I wake up rested and calm. I get out of bed quickly, am in a good mood and take action quickly. Those are always my qualities in the morning, but without having drunk alcohol the previous day, they are reinforced. And a few seconds after I wake up, the pay off. Then I say to myself: How good of you, yesterday you did not drink any alcohol at all! And then again I commit myself not to drink any alcohol today. Please: the second tip from this experienced Passer. Because: you should be a little nice to yourself.
Losing a few pounds can also be the effect of not drinking alcohol. After all, alcohol provides a lot of empty kilojoules. And I haven't even mentioned the pieces of cheese and sausage and the chips that taste so good with a glass of wine. If you also manage to avoid them this month, there is a good chance that you will lose a few kilos. But what if you can leave out the alcohol, but not the snacks? Just go for a walk of half an hour. After that half hour, your craving for cheese/sausage/chips has disappeared and you have had extra exercise. This is going to be your month!
Natasha in short
I am Natascha, 52 years old. I like dancing and strength training and my work as a Strategic Buyer at Klimmendaal Rehabilitation Specialists. I am participating in IkPas for the fifth time, because I really enjoy taking a break from alcohol consumption after the holidays. IkPas helps me with that. Every time I've participated so far, I find it a challenge! Would it work again this time? I hope that I will experience again that I am sleeping better and that my body is detoxing from the alcohol I drank during the holidays.