Blogger speaking

My very first blog ever and never thought this would be about an alcohol-free period!
I'm Renate, 49 and single mother of 3 wonderful teenagers. And since a number of years also belonging to the group of heavy drinkers, although I found it very bad myself. A bottle of wine is so empty, isn't it? A glass when you get home, make a glass during dinner, another during dinner and before going to sleep 1 or 2 more. Day bottle…
On January 1, I thought it was time for myself to participate in Dry January. And successfully completed, frankly also few challenges except my own birthday and extended with KortDroog. This one had more challenges! A number of birthdays and even a dance party. But also completely successful. And now the next challenge: 40 days without a drop! Let's see if I can ever sleep well again, because that promise hasn't come true yet...
I've been sleeping badly for 2 months now. Stone cold in my bed and with wine I had no problems with that at all. I can also keep track of how deep I sleep using my Smartwatch, but I sleep even less deeply. Fortunately, there are also a number of advantages! You wake up fresher, you are more alert, you remember better. My hair is fuller and thicker, my taste is much better and less bad taste. Slightly lost weight but at least a less puffy face. Oh, and of course a big advantage for my teenagers, I can take them everywhere later in the evening and pick them up at night. I don't have to think now whether I can drive yes or no. Delicious!
And now the next challenge: 40 Days not a drop! Another 40 days kind to my body.
Good luck to all and until the next blog.