blog Roy
Blogger speaking
At the beginning of this week there was an item on TV, for which I came out of the kitchen because I was triggered by some cries about wine. I thought it was…
Blogger speaking
The vicious circle has been reversed… We all know, once you have a drink, it usually doesn't stop at 1. Because that relaxed feeling, the daze, the moment…
Blogger speaking
A GOOD EXAMPLE MAKES A WELL FOLLOW... My mother-in-law is a real kitchen princess, but then a real 84-year-old from Brabant, so everywhere there is drink, drink through, drink in, drink under...
Blogger speaking
YES, DRY JANUARY IS STARTING AGAIN! This is now the fourth time that I participate in Dry January and 2 years ago I even wrote a number of blogs…
The finale
The registration fee has been transferred, the confirmation has been received ... if the circumstances allow it and I remain healthy and injury-free, I will run the Amsterdam Marathon on October 17, my first ...
Actually quite cool
In December I told a running buddy that I would participate in Ik Pas for the second time in January '21 together with Jeanette. The commentary was out of the blue…
And there go the pounds…
It's no secret that I spend a lot of my free time running. And when Jeanette and I have the time together, we like to go for a walk or hike, preferably…
Water and tea… Me?
As I write this the 40 day challenge is 7 days old and I am very happy with the sober feeling in general and with some things in it…