Blogger speaking

This is now the fourth time that I participate in Dry January and 2 years ago I even wrote a number of blogs for this newsletter. In other words, a bit of an experience expert and possibly a familiar one for some fellow IkPassers, but a brief introduction for all lucky newcomers. I am Roy, living in the beautiful Giessenburg, lover of everything that has to do with food and drinks and also love running and walking. The combination of running and cooking has earned me the nickname Running Chef, which is also my alias on Insta, so if you want to see what I put on the table and how fast (or slow) I run, click here Not that I can compete with real chefs or real athletes, but such a nickname sounds nice, right?
Going back to the title of this little story… it may sound strange, especially to those who are participating in Dry January for the first time, but my wife Jeanette and I were already looking forward to the start of this alcohol-free period at the beginning of December. Because although we like a glass of wine, we now also know what the positive effects are of being 'dry' for a while. And it's not that dry, because there are so many delicious drinks without alcohol that there can be no question of dehydration. In fact, by omitting alcohol you prevent dehydration, because that is precisely one of the adverse effects of alcohol. And no dehydration due to alcohol means no hangover, how nice is that?!
To be honest, before I didn't know any better than that alcoholic beverages were just part of it. Dining out? Nice bottle of wine! Friends visiting? Nice bottle of wine (or 2 … 3) and/or nice heavy beer! In the sun on a terrace? Cool glass of rosé (or a bottle right away?) And why can't I ever choose between Duvel and La Trappe? And if it becomes the La Trappe, will I do Blonde or just a Tripel? And well, one is nice for the thirsty, but then it gets really tasty, so do another one ... and another one ... Recognizable? I think for many, because otherwise Ik Pas / Dry January would not have been such a success with a growing number of participants every year.
After successfully completing Dry January for several years, I became increasingly aware of my alcohol consumption and almost automatically started drinking much less. The automatism of ordering beer or wine or pulling it out of the fridge was dispelled by thinking about its consequences. And I started thinking very consciously about the wonderful feeling you have when you go to 0.0 for a while. Leaving out alcohol is not a punishment or depriving yourself of something, you are rewarded for this 'simple' adjustment. Body and mind function much better, you eventually become happier without alcohol than with, your heart rate drops a few beats, you sleep great and wake up refreshed. And for those who are interested (I'm guessing almost everyone), it also makes you happy financially.
Last year I decided to extend my alcohol-free period until the Rotterdam Marathon, or until mid-April. I dare say effortlessly! Because I had a new goal, running # the most beautiful and preferably within 4 hours. Walking certainly wasn't effortless, but I managed it and I'm 100% sure that the chance of success would be many times smaller if I had drunk in the meantime.
So yes, bring on DRY JANUARY! The first 5 days are already over, my body has almost completely recovered from all the December parties, I sleep like a baby again, in short I'm glad I'm participating again