The finale

The registration fee has been transferred, the confirmation has been received ... if the circumstances allow it and I remain healthy and injury free, I will run the Amsterdam Marathon on October 17, my first full marathon and also in my hometown, I am already looking forward to it . Now I have my ultimate goal to leave the alcohol for what it is for the time being, because running 42.2 km is in itself a nice attack on a body, but a 50-plus body soaked with Affligem Tripel certainly does not work. set a nice finishing time, if you reach the finish line alive… In other words, IPass just a little longer. Or maybe I don't drink alcohol at all. The fact is that I don't miss it, yes maybe as a toothache but more than not.
Now that the finish line of the 40 days no drop challenge is imminent, I am taking stock including Dry January. In the past 3 months we have not spent a good € 900 on beer and wine. And that was measured at home, because unfortunately the catering industry is still closed. To compensate, we mainly drank ginger tea, green tea and flavored AH water, for a total of almost €100, or €800 saved. Ok, the occasional bottle of Tulipe 0.0% rosé bubbly and a couple of 0.0% IPAs, but still kept a significant amount of money. All unused beer and wine bottles in a rear-end arrangement good for more than 100 meters (!) glass. The contents enough to fill a small bath, can you see it? 🤭
But the main gain has obviously been brought by this pause period for health. Our organs thank us, the night's sleep is back as it was once intended by mother nature, we are physically and mentally fitter than ever and all because of 'something as simple' as omitting alcohol. Because it is of course not at all that simple in a society in which drinks are very easily and cheaply available. Whether you walk through a supermarket or take a seat on a terrace again, the confrontation is everywhere and you have to stand strong to resist all temptations.
Now, after reading all the blogs and interviews in the IkPas newsletters, I am convinced that all fellow passers-by can meet this challenge. That after such a wonderfully fresh period, everyone can consciously decide whether or not to have a drink and not to fall back into the old familiar rhythm, whether that was 1 glass or 1 bottle per evening. I have resolved myself not to become an anti-person, I give everyone his or her pleasure. But then it would also be nice if not drinking was considered as normal as drinking and I really feel that a tipping point has been reached here, or is that just wishful thinking?
I would like to thank everyone who has been of support during this period, Petra Moes and Rob Bovens for all the wise lessons and Katja Tremio for the perfect composition and timely delivery of the newsletters. And all praise for cheerful grandfather Henk, data scientist Maaike, schema-allergic Esther, creative Annette, Burgundian Sterre and large landowner Francis for all the wonderful and honest stories, I enjoyed them. And yes, I will be making that walnut cake soon.
Anyway, the final of the 40 days not a drop challenge is in sight and I wish everyone all the luck and health and the necessary mental resilience to give this fresh new start a nice sequel. In any case, I'm going to prepare for the next big final!
Stay healthy!