Actually quite cool

In December I told a running buddy that I would participate in Ik Pas for the second time in January '21 together with Jeanette. The comment was not out of the air … whether I, as a real heavy beer drinker, was not completely wise … what about our Saturday beer moments after a hard long run? I couldn't be so cozy anymore… he even intended to skip the Saturday afternoon drinks for so long, because in this way there was no fun anymore, according to him. Tapping his forehead, he condemned me outright for something I myself stood behind 100% and still stand.
You just drink a good glass of heavy blond and I'll take a 0.0%, I suggested, but according to him the fun was over. It is certainly no shame during the corona pandemic to receive fewer friends or no friends at all, but I was a bit surprised by his fierce reaction.
Other people in my environment whom I told about the Dry January intention were often understanding or even downright enthusiastic. My father decided to participate again and left the whisky, my brother gave his stock of red wine an extra month of maturation and the people who did not participate thought it was a good idea, but for various reasons were not ready for a break just yet. . Work stress, corona, hectic because the children can't go to school and swimming lessons, gym closed, can't shop, everyone has his or her reasons for holding on to remaining structures, habits and certainties, that's very understandable. Drinking that familiar and soothing glass of wine (or other drink) is one such habit. It's only when you break that habit that you realize it's going to get you nothing, except a blurry head and a drain on your budget.
I like a challenge or two, so in early February I told my incensed running buddy that we had also signed up for the 40 Day No Drop Challenge. I was prepared for a huge load of objections and jeers, but that didn't happen. He still found it uncomfortable, but he had clearly thought about it and as a sportsman understood my arguments about the reduced heart rate, the improved condition in general and the fresh feeling I now had permanently. The fact that I had also lost a few kilos 'en passant' and therefore started running even lighter was enough to definitely win it for my decision to keep it up for the time being. We have now had a beer together (completely corona-proof), he an Affligem Blond and I a Brand 0.0% IPA. And it was fun too!
I tell everyone I speak about Dry January and the 40 Day Challenge, about all the benefits I experience such as extremely improved sleep, weight loss and better fitness. And guess what, almost everyone thinks it's an excellent idea and most are thinking hard about joining next year. Not yet, of course, because corona, work stress and so on, but the seed has been planted and in the meantime they think it's very clever that we can apparently live so simply without beer and wine. That we can hardly ever be found at the glass container anymore, that we now hand in PET bottles instead of beer bottles.
The more I think about it, the better it feels. Not drinking alcohol may be a bit 'abnormal' in a society that is literally and figuratively drenched in alcohol, but that just stirs up a positively recalcitrant feeling in me. I don't have to become a do-gooder, but I do like to be a little different from the others, and in this specific case actually quite a bit tough!