To the extent that

Last week I came to the realization that I had not drunk a drop of alcohol in 10(!!!) weeks. Not that that's so special (well, maybe it is for me), but the question is; what did those weeks actually bring about in my body? I regularly read the daily mail from IkPas, containing motivational words and a lot of information about the pluses of not drinking. What I was especially curious about are two points in which, in my opinion, there is a lot to gain for myself. Point 1: I've been struggling with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for years and, as I've known for years, alcohol doesn't exactly have a good effect on the intestines, especially not on my sensitive one. It increases the chance of unpleasant reactions in my intestines, but sometimes also in my stomach. There are several foods that bother me a lot, resulting in abdominal pain, frequent venting and half nights on the toilet. And that's pretty neatly described, if I do say so myself. Some people in my environment have a lot of experience with my relief symptoms (yes, again a self-made word) and jemug de pemug I sometimes felt sorry for them, sorry dear people!! But that aside… Fresh garlic, leeks, onions and very spicy foods, but also fatty foods, chocolate, carbon dioxide and alcohol are real culprits for my gut. Crazy that I've known that for years but, except for fresh garlic and leeks, I still find everything useful. I love it all so much too, so don't miss it!! The result is that I regularly walk around with a bloated stomach or tighten my ties with my friend (the toilet bowl). Now that I have not drunk alcohol for 2.5 months, I really notice a huge improvement. I definitely have 75% less abdominal pain and the daily venting is kept to a minimum. I hear you say; leave the rest as well! I know, but I occasionally take the complaints into the bargain and consciously choose to eat something tasty, with the irrevocable consequence that I get complaints. Especially chocolate (you get me, right?) and wine, the ones from before my break of course, are the things that give me a stomachache. Stupid?? For sure it's stupid. But yeah……..
My point 2 is the combination of alcohol and fibromyalgia. In this condition there is a disturbed nervous system, whereby the alcohol, like a kind of poison, ensures that, for example, the vitamins and acids do not arrive at the place where they should arrive, while my body already has trouble with that. The effect of that glass/bottle of wine at the weekend is usually noticeable in my tiredness and a heavy feeling in my body, as if I have arms and legs made of concrete. Actually, I'm always tired anyway. Now I see big question marks in a number of people immediately. You?? Always tired?? But you are always like this…. so present (yup, I am aware of that) ….. so positive …… so full of energy!! Yes, that's actually true. That is also so doubly with me, because in the background always slumbers the ever-present fatigue. But my positive mindset and loads of energy ensure that I don't let the fatigue win. Moving full throttle and not arguing too often with my body about what to eat and/or drink. It's a choice and I choose to live positively with and despite my fibromyalgia (and IBS).
So what is the conclusion? Well, I better not drink alcohol at all! Never again? Well that would actually be the best scenario!! And in addition …… let me not forget that I have been sleeping better for a long time, feel fitter and have not been this slim in years!! But it's spring and secretly I know that my craving for a Chardonnay or an ice-cold rosé is really going to pop up again!! I can already see myself sitting in the garden with my birthday in May. Everyone enjoys a glass of wine and I have a glass of soda or 0.0. To be fair, it shouldn't be a problem, but still I think there will come a time when I call out; Make me a glass of wine and throw in some ice cubes!! Weak? Perhaps. Yummy? That's for sure! I am already regularly working in my head on how I will possibly do that later, after my 40 days no drop challenge. Am I only going to have a glass of wine on Saturday evening? Do I take a normal bottle from the supermarket or do I take a mini bottle with me? Do I agree with myself to enjoy a nice drink 1 Saturday or Sunday a month? Or am I going to choose not to drink at all? I don't know exactly how I'm going to fill it in, but I do know one thing: I will continue with my current lifestyle of lots of vegetables, fruit, water and exercise. I don't think I can ever let that go!! I feel good nananana nana