Blogger speaking

'Wines, Wines' vs 'Beware'
Now that I haven't drunk alcohol for a while, it strikes me how often you see people raising their glasses on an average television evening. RTL 4 and 6 in particular broadcast programs in which quite a bit is played down. Early in the evening there is GTST where the characters regularly drink beer or wine. The house purchase programs or Miljoenenjacht invariably conclude with a glass of champagne and the 'Meilandjes' toast every other hour. Even their slogan 'wines, wines' has become popular. Also in the program 'Married at First Sight', champagne flows abundantly after the announcement that the participant is getting married, after choosing the wedding dress or suit, during the wedding party, before the wedding night in a hotel room and several times during dinners on the honeymoon. Then follows a talk show like Jinek, where the pregnant Eva and her guests sit behind a beer or a glass of wine. In short, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. alcohol is surreptitiously promoted in these programs. People who suffer from a hangover are of course never broadcasted otherwise the viewers would get a negative association with alcohol and that is not the intention. So I wonder if these channels where you see people drinking alcohol on happy moments an average of ten times per evening (not even counting commercials!) are sponsored by the alcohol industry.
Alcohol is a paradoxical thing in our society. It is served to us every day through all kinds of media (buy alcohol, drink it because it's fun). At the same time, it also warns about how it can harm health. According to the social norm, it is also a thin line on which people can balance: You can have a nice drink or it is even forced on you, but oh woe, if people get tipsy or drunk, because then people whisper behind your back: 'That was the last one for me. get drunk!'
So don't let yourself be triggered by what the media presents you, and stick to your own common sense or challenge!