Blogger speaking

Today is day 39, the penultimate day of 40 days not a drop! I have also enjoyed reading the forum and the daily newsletters for the past 38 days. It strikes me how many people at IkPas have set their alcohol consumption to 0 since January. But whether you are on day 39, or already around 100 days, realize: You did it!!
And I'm pretty proud of that too. I already indicated in my first column that I am not a daily drinker, but one where it is a weekend habit. And that's why I'm participating for the fourth year in a row with 40 days not a drop! With a very conscious choice to do this for 40 days and then stop again. Because I have come to the conclusion that thanks to this challenge it has become easier for me to make the choice when I do, but especially when I don't drink alcohol.
On the forum I read a nice comment from someone who said: "I didn't just drink beer "by mouth" ... I could enjoy the heavy, somewhat soggy smell of specialty beer." But this person was able to enjoy the smell of herbal tea in the same way. I myself have exactly the same with specialty beer. I like the smell and taste experience that can be found in the different types of beer. But because I also notice the benefits of not drinking alcohol, a weekend without beer is also an option these days. Although I'm still looking for that perfect non-alcoholic drink that you can have as an alternative and enjoy it just as much.
So I ask myself what the past 40 days have done for me. I notice that I also sleep well on weekends. That I recover better after running and that it is easy for me to say no to alcohol. I wrote earlier that I will run the Amsterdam marathon in October. I will also not consume alcohol in the last period before the marathon. How many days I will do this will depend on how well the preparation goes.
But for now, I just want to congratulate everyone who has taken on the challenge in the past 40 days or more. Whether it went completely well, or maybe you went off track somewhere, it's mainly about how you deal with this. And that you consciously make the choice to challenge yourself how you deal with alcohol. I say: Great job!! I wish everyone a lot of health, a beautiful Easter and be kind to each other. You will see me again next year at IkPas anyway with not a drop for the next 40 days!