
When I participated in IkPas for the very first time two years ago, I counted down the days until it was over. Literally and figuratively. I couldn't wait to get the cork off the bottle again. Last autumn I had no trouble not drinking, nor in January, but the temptation of wine afterwards was quite great. Both times I quickly got tired of the drink and myself. After seven weeks of IkPas, I am now taking stock.
My nights have become quieter and I sleep like a log. When I wake up in the morning, I no longer suffer from heartburn and my voice starts smoothly. Getting up remains an issue, but that will probably never change. I just love sleeping.
I've had a few moments where I needed more relaxation, but I wasn't tempted by the wine. I was aware that relaxation doesn't depend on it, rather, that I would be fresher the next day if I didn't drink alcohol. Yoga and meditation support me in this, I can recommend it to everyone.
Dinners and outings have been alcohol-free. Beforehand there is often a voice that says: dinner tonight, to the pub, to the movie or whatever and that includes a drink. But the voice does not insist does not come back. In the pub I drank non-alcoholic beer; so I had the feeling that I was 'one of all'. I also don't like smelling the breath of people who drink alcohol. After a 0 % beer you will have less trouble with that. By the way, it was just as fun without alcohol.
I discussed alternatives to wine with my friend Beatrijs. And, to be honest, there aren't any. I just really like wine, can't help it. Tonic is a nice substitute, and there appear to be many tasty varieties. Tea, also available in various flavors, is often the best alternative. Also at dinner.
Once, a long time ago, I quit smoking. For the same reason I don't drink anymore, namely because of my health. Quitting smoking could only be definitive, I am the All Or Nothing type. If I ever light another cigarette, I'll be smoking again in no time. But quitting is really much harder than quitting drinking. I proved that to myself last year. I therefore do not rule out the possibility that I will have a drink on really special occasions. Just, for that moment, and then no more.
Just as I never tell other people to stop smoking, I never will when it comes to drinking. When I stopped smoking I gained kilos, now that I don't drink I don't lose weight and I think that's a shame.
With great satisfaction I wish everyone a happy spring.