Gerb De Column Writer: Fun-Bob

Last week, the second week without 'my' wines, I suddenly had to think of an episode of friends that I saw years ago. An old friend of one of the protagonists comes to visit for the weekend and all the friends look forward to his arrival. Bob, Fun-Bob they call him. It's always fun with Fun-Bob, Fun-Bob is the perfect atmosphere maker and everyone's friend in the cafe. There he is finally. But Fun-Bob is grumpy. I think you know where this is going… Fun-Bob has stopped drinking. Fun-Bob is depressed, miserable and often cries. A bit exaggerated of course, it is an American series after all. But a little bit recognizable, all those feelings, I think. OK, a bit recognizable. Especially last week. Fun-Bob suddenly became De-Bob. The planned fun weekend literally and figuratively fell into the water.
I too had a New Years reception this week. Damn, I didn't feel like going at all. Not to avoid all those lovely people, but because I suddenly can't do what I normally do. And that is certainly a glass of wine or four or five toss during all those nice, pleasant conversations. Strong as I am now I will of course just go there. Ten minutes after entering I got the first comment thrown at me: “Are you having a coke?!” Apparently I noticed right away that I was the only non-drinker. "Oh, you're definitely in that don't-drink action." Yes something like that. “Ah well, one is possible, right?” And then those looks. Like having a big pimple on your chin. Or maybe they saw me there as a kind of Fun-Bob, but without the fun. No, I wasn't grumpy and I certainly wasn't crying. I was just completely there, fit and also made jokes. Just like I always do. After two hours I was actually done with it. All those great stories. Nothing wrong with that. I was up front when they were handed out, but I wanted to go home. Nice run and then a hot cup of tea. I slept great that night. In fact, I had to get out twice. Well, all those glasses of water and mugs of tea…