The story behind the weekend drinker
'Yes, almost Friday', the weekend drinker thinks, 'then I'm going to enjoy my glass'. Elleke, Martijn and Nicole think that is a big advantage of the weekend. It…
The story behind the moderate drinker
The moderate drinker IkPas participants are not by definition heavy drinkers. Maybe once, but certainly not anymore. And that suits both Arno and Juju very well.…
The story behind the fun drinker
A glass because it's almost the weekend, a drink because you are so nice together, an alcoholic snack because it's a bit of a party, a pint because ... the social drinker has little ...
The story behind the heavy drinker
Camille and Klaus. They don't know each other, but they do have something in common. Both are among the heavy drinkers. Those glasses of alcohol are there before they dry…
Joost and Lisette participated in the IkPas Battle
This year IkPas organized something new: a real battle. Two cities competed against each other. Which city generated as many IkPas participants as possible and can call itself the 2021 winner? That…
Dranquilo as a prelude to IkPas
You may have already seen the term: Dranquilo. This is the name of the new public campaign on alcohol consumption that the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has launched.…
A challenge and a battle: double fun
Maud Haselhorst (20) had never heard of IkPas until she did an internship at Iriszorg in Nijmegen. She liked Stoptober, so she was up for this challenge…
In conversation with D-drinks
During Dry January we present you a series of recipes for alternative thirst quenchers. We get inspiration from the natural & healthy drinks and snacks from D-drinks. In the…
In conversation with Teastreet
During Dry January, tea is a popular alternative to alcohol. And because we want to look beyond the supermarket brands, we have a nice contact with tea sommelier Barbara Veldhuizen. She is…
Straight from the pen: Katja
I received 70 blogs and vlogs. Beautiful stories from ordinary people like you and me who took on the challenge. And who gave us readers a glimpse into…
IkPas behind the scenes: in conversation with campaign coordinator Sanne de Koning
Sanne de Koning has fulfilled the role of campaign coordinator for five years now. A role that fits her like a coat. As a campaign coordinator, she is involved in creating company pages,…
IkPas behind the scenes: in conversation with campaign manager Martijn Planken
Martijn Planken has been involved in setting up IkPas from the start. An initiative born out of sheer necessity, he says. Because alcohol is a sneaky culprit. An evildoer, who thanks to the dominant position…