The story behind the weekend drinker

'Yes, almost Friday', the weekend drinker thinks, 'then I'm going to enjoy my glass'. Elleke, Martijn and Nicole think that is a big advantage of the weekend. It gives the days off extra shine and during the week the cork stays in the bottle. But then there should be no lockdown…
Ellie (57)
“I also 'passed' last night and I've been drinking less since then. I swore off my weekday drinks and then turned into a weekend drinker. Except during the first lockdown. Then I relapsed and snuck back in my daily wine. I 'held that up' for a while. At some point I picked myself up again and I scaled back consumption.
And now I'm participating in IkPas again. Just before Dry January I still drank, but the alcohol reinforced my sad feeling about the lockdown. Now that I pause, I experience those sad feelings much less. My partner does drink a glass of wine with dinner every night. I find that quite difficult at times.
Stopping drinking, or taking a break, has been a real eye opener for me. You only know what alcohol does to you if you drink again after such a sober period. And you can do without it. Although I can really look forward to that wine that I 'may' drink again after January 30th.”
Martin (46)
“Weekend is, as for so many, relaxation. No work for a while, just doing what I (usually) feel like doing. My weekend started while cooking when I drank my first specialty beer. I loved -and love- the heavier and darker beers. I drink it just as much in the summer as in the winter. Before participating in Dry January, I drank about 8 to 10 a weekend. So pretty decent.
A long time ago I was talking to my best friend about our alcohol consumption. Together we were able to tap away quite a bit on beers. We wondered if we could do without it? But then we didn't follow through.
It was my wife who sometimes let me down that I'm not supposed to go after my mother and grandmother. They are both alcoholics. My grandmother has since passed away. Partly because of what my wife said, I thought it was time for action. In the meantime I was quite curious about what it would do to me, not drinking alcohol for a while.
I can tell you that this break is going wonderfully smoothly. I don't need my specialty beers. I even go for the bridging and 40 days no drop challenge. That means I won't drink the first quarter of 2021. And my night's sleep is very happy with that. And so does my wife, because I don't snore anymore.”
Nicole (47)
“I used to have my first weekend drink while cooking on Friday evening. I drank another glass with dinner. We usually finished the bottle in the evening. Still a shame to let it go. There was often something fun planned on Saturdays. With family, friends or neighbours. That included a few drinks. But if we went out in the evening, I didn't drink in the afternoon.
Still, alcohol was a regular fixture on my weekend. It was, and is, for me inextricably linked with conviviality. Being social. To enjoy. I did think I had to cut back. I don't like the idea of drinking because you always do it 'on such and such a day'. Now that I pause, I realize again that a drink is not necessarily necessary.
My Friday night need is totally gone. I still have trouble not drinking on social occasions. Although they are scarce now of course. So I don't think I'm going to be a total abstainer when it comes to alcohol. I like drinking wine with friends too much. But if I can leave it at that, then I'm very satisfied."