Blogger speaking

The year has started hectic for me. Had a lot of visitors and busy at work. Many moments when the temptation was great. Fortunately, we had no visitors that put pressure on whether or not alcohol was consumed. Maybe I'm too old now to have people like that around me. In fact, everyone accepts it and the response varies from understanding to success.
Not drinking after work is actually more difficult. Especially after a busy day, relaxing with a nice beer is very attractive. And there are soon two or more. And then in the evening before going to sleep a nice glass of single malt whisky. And so you quickly have 3 to 4 glasses a day. So basically I fall into the category of heavy drinkers. And not that there are many outliers upwards, but constantly actually too many. And you will notice that physically. Especially in the dark days around the turn of the year. You still have longer days of doing nothing and nothing is easier than hanging out on the couch together, watching a movie or chatting and getting rid of the necessary drinks.
That's why a period after the holidays is the right time for me to take an alcohol break. Can you combine it right away with the other good intentions. The scale now indicates more than 3 kg less, so with two weeks on the calendar that is a great start to the new year.
Drinking has been a part of my life since childhood. From high school, college days, nightlife and later also in my relationship. Not drinking was the exception and I drank pretty much every day. And even then I sometimes took a break from using it. For example during high school exams, when starting a new job, but also when I had to deal with setbacks. No one had to explain the usefulness of a temporary stop to me then.
One thing I always found difficult during a period of non-drinking was to find a drink that I like to drink instead of alcohol. I find most alternatives just too sweet and the ginger drinks are not for me either. Non-alcoholic beer only makes me crave a good beer more. I like sparkling spring water in itself, but that too will eventually wear me out. The flavored variants usually taste very chemical. What I've found that I like best is to add lemon juice to it. We own a Soda stream so we can make our own carbonated water. And then I add the juice of half a lemon. That keeps me pretty full in the evenings, and otherwise I just take a glass of cold water.