Midwife speaking

Every month, midwife Dieuwke Ottens talks about what she experiences in her practice as a midwife. Today you will read about client Barbara who has stopped drinking alcohol. Dieuwke is proud!
Today Barbara was on a consultation. She is 16 weeks pregnant. “I have stopped drinking alcohol” was the first thing she said. Great news!
In the previous consultation I had given her the spider's web as a result of our participation in the 'positive health' project. This is a form in which you rate yourself on 6 dimensions: bodily functions, mental well-being, meaning, quality of life, participation and daily functioning.
It turned out that Barbara had noticed for a while that she easily drank quite a bit of alcohol per week. It was often that glass of wine at the company drink. A pleasant evening with friends where she had 3-4 beers. And because of her work, she also went out to eat regularly. In addition, it was 'very normal' that you drink alcohol. Let alone that drink in the bar during the overnight stays during a business trip.
Now, during her pregnancy, and actually already during her pregnancy wish, she looked critically at her lifestyle and the choices to give your child a healthy start. She had already stopped drinking alcohol. But to be honest: it had already gone wrong 4 times during this pregnancy.
By filling in the spider web it became clear to her that now was the time to stop completely. "In addition, I also feel much fitter since I no longer drink," she said. So another added advantage.
As her midwife I am very proud of Barbara. I walked around with a big smile all day long. So nice to witness these beautiful behavioral changes.
Do you also find it difficult to give up alcohol during your pregnancy? Feel free to ask your midwife for help. That's what we're here for! Also take a look deverloskundige.nl or this video For more information. Or maybe the free online course about an alcohol-free pregnancy what for you. In short, there are plenty of resources and information to help you.
Dieuwke has been a full-time midwife for 20 years. She guides pregnant women and their partners. During pregnancy, childbirth and also after childbirth. She has assisted more than 1,300 deliveries. As a result, she has a lot of experience. There is hardly a question that she has not yet heard.
And since 2015 she is a sexual health consultant (NVVS) at the Dutch Society for Sexology. She answers all kinds of questions about sexuality. For example, questions about pain during sex. Or that partners both have different sexual desires during or after pregnancy. And men with erection problems also come to talk to her. |