Alcohol-free Spooms

There's nothing more festive than a spoom between the courses of your homemade festive dinner for friends. Originally, the drink was intended to neutralize the taste, but it is also just a nice side dish. A spoom often consists of a scoop of lemon sorbet topped with champagne or prosecco, but you can also make it alcohol-free! Here are three festive recipes for a delicious alcohol-free spoom. cheers!
Simple lemon juice
Ingredients: lemon sorbet ice cream, Dubbelfris grape/lemon.
Preparation method: cool tall champagne glasses in the fridge. Scoop a large scoop of lemon sorbet ice cream into the glasses and pour over with Dubbelfris in the grape/lemon flavour.
pear juice
Ingredients: 3 pears, half a lemon, 500 ml apple juice, bottle of Seven up, sprigs of mint.
Preparation method: Cool champagne glasses. Peel the pears and cut into pieces. Squeeze the lemon. Cook the pears with the lemon juice, apple juice and 2 mint leaves for 15 minutes on low heat. Let cool completely. Puree the mixture in a blender or food processor, scoop it into a freezer box and put it in the freezer for 2 hours. Turn occasionally. After 2 hours, puree the semi-frozen pear sorbet with an immersion blender to prevent coarse ice crystals from forming. Allow the pear sorbet to soften slightly in 5-10 minutes. Scoop a scoop of pear sorbet into each glass and pour Seven up on top. Garnish with the rest of the mint.
Tip: Are there ice crystals in the spoom? Then the ice was not stirred often enough during the freezing process. The problem can be solved by stirring the spoom well with a fork or by going through it with a stick blender. Then put the spoom back in the freezer for another 15 minutes.
Strawberry Spoom (also fun for kids!)
Ingredients: 250 grams strawberries, 50 grams sugar, ¼ liter alcohol-free red wine, bottle of Jip & Janneke bubble juice strawberry (Hema)
Method: wash the strawberries and gently pat them dry with kitchen paper. Then remove the crowns. Place the strawberries in a well-cleaned plastic container or glass container (don't use metal!). Sprinkle the sugar over it and then the non-alcoholic wine. Let marinate in the fridge for up to 2 hours. otherwise the strawberries will lose their color. Drain the strawberries in a colander. Now fill chilled champagne glasses with the bubbly juice and carefully lower the strawberries into them.