IkPas extends support due to corona

Both the 30-day and 40-day campaign are now behind us. Two successful alcohol breaks in which more than 52,000 people took part. Just before the end of the 40-Day No-Drop campaign, we received many messages asking if we would "please keep going." On that basis, we have decided to continue support as long as the corona measures are in force - until June 1. This takes the form of a weekly newsletter, keeping the forum accessible and the accessibility of the IkPas coach.
The past 40 days have been a unique and intensive period for the participants and the IkPas team, due to the corona crisis and the associated intelligent lockdown. The IkPas breaks are now over, but corona is still around. Participants indicate that they want to keep working on their physical and mental resistance, especially in this time. To help people with this, part of the support is kept in the air.
I can't imagine life without it
In 2020 we can say that the IkPas project, which started with fewer than a hundred participants and has now grown to 52,000 active participants, is a valuable health initiative. Many people indicate that their insight into their own use of
alcohol has risen dramatically. Martijn Planken, Campaign Leader of IkPas, says: “We get a lot of responses from people who, thanks to their IkPas participation, have gained insight into how much they actually drank and who are now more aware of the
health risks. They are happy that with this insight and awareness, both mentally and physically, they are much healthier in life.”
Health as a priority in view of corona infection
Alcohol has a lot of effect on people's health. Participants feel much fitter and stronger by not drinking. Many people have indicated that they want to continue with IkPas for longer. That is why the IkPas team has decided to continue with the
support participants. For example, a weekly newsletter is sent, the IkPascoach remains available and the forum remains open.