New Year's Eve with or without champagne?

Those who stop smoking on 1 January usually light their last cigarette on 31 December at 11.55 pm. Enjoy one more time, put out the butt at midnight and mark the moment of a new start. Stopping drinking alcohol (temporarily or otherwise) appears to be more difficult to mark. One of the most frequently asked questions is whether you can start the new year at midnight with a glass of champagne. There are people who, out of 'fear' that this is not allowed and the challenge has therefore failed, do not even start the 30 days without alcohol.
Well, at IkPas we are not too childish. The main purpose of IkPas is to put your alcohol consumption on a break, to become aware of the number of glasses of delicious wet that you knock back, to drink less alcohol and to realize what drinking or not drinking does to you. This is also possible from the moment you get out of bed on January 1 and the new year begins for you. If you really don't want to or can't live without it, drink that glass of champagne when the clock has struck. But who knows, you might decide on the spot that it's nice enough without it. That you make optimal use of the 30 days. Or get an alcohol-free variant in advance. The choice is yours.
Tip: Film your last drink, whenever that is. A compilation is made of filmed 'last drinks' for the VPRO documentary ROES. Do you want to avoid that? Send your video of a maximum of 30 seconds to Detailed information in our post of December 30.