Former participants: the best ambassadors

Of course we have the results of the previous campaigns, scientific studies and survey results that say that putting your alcohol consumption on hold is good for you. That it works well and is doable. However, people are best convinced by the personal stories of participants. Only then do they really believe that it works. Therefore, below are a few reactions from participants in the 30-day campaign in January and last year.
Gereon: “I think IkPas is a great initiative, because you consider your alcohol consumption. In my professional life as a culinary and wine writer, booze is always present. Wine with lunches, wine at parties, wine with dinner. I have a deal with myself that I never drink during the day. But nevertheless, when I start wine, I don't easily switch to a juice afterwards. Besides, I don't like juice, soft drinks and so on at all. My life consists of coffee, water and wine. So it's nice to make it a creative alcohol-free month. With homemade infused waters, the rediscovery of tea, organizing a tasting of non-alcoholic wines and cooking with it”.
Jeanne: “I started on January 2nd. Got through the 30 days without any problems. The only thing that was difficult were the afternoons with friends in the pub. I continued and next weekend I can, because of my birthday, have a glass of wine. After 50 days. It has made me very aware and is worth repeating.”
Annette: “I participated and I still really like it. There have been times when it was difficult, but persistence wins. Every now and then, only on weekends, a red wine and that's it. The need just isn't there anymore."
Caroline: “After participating in IkPas last year, I stopped for good in September. I like it."
kitty: “I feel fitter and happier after IkPas. It was my first time in years. Now cut back drastically, now and then have a glass at the weekend”.
Bertus: “It is astonishing: after a month of IkPas, wine no longer tastes to me at all. A beer just started. Now only have one special beer on Saturday evening. Other than that it doesn't bother me anymore. Feels good, it went by itself. Not because I have to, but because it makes me feel much better. Never thought. Thanks organization IkPas”.