ZLM: enthusiastic and healthy employees

“We want a healthy working environment for our employees,” says Marjolein Bolleman of ZLM Verzekeringen. “Participating in IkPas fits in well with that. The healthier someone lives; the better an employee feels in his/her own skin.” ZLM Verzekeringen is one of the companies that has been participating in IkPas for a few years now.
“ZLM Verzekeringen is a regional insurance company in Goes with about 280 employees. ZLM considers vitality important. Enthusiastic and healthy employees, that is what ZLM likes to see. As a prevention officer, I like to participate in this. In addition to ensuring a good workplace, arranging promotions such as IkPas is a good and fun addition.”
What made you decide to participate again?
“ZLM wants a healthy working environment for its employees. Participating in IkPas fits in well with that. The healthier someone lives; the better an employee feels in his/her own skin.”
Is IkPas part of a broader package within ZLM?
“We have broadened the campaign a bit. All employees received a water bottle on their desk in mid-February. For example, we want to encourage (sufficient) drinking of water. A nice combination with IkPas.”
How do you recruit participants/encourage employees to participate?
“A call has been placed on the Intranet. The flyers and bracelets have been placed in the pantries and canteen. In the water bottle was a flyer with the call to participate with IkPas. In addition to the benefits of 40 days of no alcohol, there were also some positive effects of drinking (more) water.”
Are you organizing something special for the participants?
“No, there is no special promotion or event besides handing out the water bottle.”
Do managers/directors also participate or do they set a good example or are there other 'ambassadors' within ZLM?
Yes, our general manager has been setting a good example for a few years now.
More information for companies participating in IkPas? Look here.