The elderly and alcohol: 5 pressing questions

What is meant by problem drinkers? Why are the elderly more likely to become problem drinkers? And what is the solution? Under the guise: a warned person counts for two, these and more questions are answered in this article.
'Problem drinkers' increasingly include older people. But when are you a problem drinker?
A problem drinker is someone who drinks six or more glasses of alcohol at least four times a month. The strong growth of problem drinkers among the over-55s is striking. In 2005 we still counted 5756 people seeking alcohol help, ten years later in 2015 there were 8225 (source:† And these are the people who dare to ask for help. There is a very large group that does not want or dare to ask for help. The Trimbos Institute thinks these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg and we're probably talking about about 150,000 older problem drinkers. Men and women (source: health
Why do older people drink more often and more than average?
There are a few reasons why the elderly are prone to drinking more alcohol. More time and more money to spend are two main reasons. In addition, pain and sadness can also be reasons to fill the glass with alcohol more often. But also the feeling: 'I've worked hard all my life, so I earned it', plays a role.
What are the risks of older people who drink a lot and more often?
The body of an older person works differently than the body of a young person. At a young age, alcohol use produces more endorphins (happiness substance) than when you are older. As you get older, there is a chance that stress hormones will be produced instead of these happiness substances. The fluid balance also deteriorates and the liver and kidneys can function less well. As a result, alcohol is broken down less quickly, so that you will feel the negative effects of a drink more quickly in old age. The feeling that you get from alcohol will also last longer and its processing (the hangover) will be prolonged (source:
In addition, alcohol consumption increases the risk of falls for elderly people who have difficulty walking. Every year, 1,200 over-55s are treated in the ER as a result of a fall due to excessive alcohol consumption. You have to be very careful when taking medication. Alcohol can nullify or enhance the effect of medicines (source: health .
How can the elderly be helped and supported in the area of alcohol?
Being aware of the risks through education is a first step in the right direction. Awareness campaigns to break the taboo and intervene at an earlier stage of impending addiction with short proven effective interventions should turn the tide.
WWhat is the amount of alcohol you can drink as an over-55?
The Health Council advises not to drink alcohol and if you still want to drink, not to drink more than one glass of alcohol per day. This advice applies to both men and women. If you drink more, you run a higher risk of high blood pressure, brain haemorrhage, cancer and other health problems. So just like everyone else, it also applies to the elderly: the less alcohol you drink, the better it is for your health.