The elderly and alcohol: fresh and fit thanks to a break

A glass at lunch, a drink at the end of the afternoon, a glass of wine during dinner and a nightcap before going to sleep; alcohol use among the over-55s has increased over the past decade. And that is not without risk. Moderating or stopping drinking alcohol has many benefits.
The latter - moderating or stopping drinking alcohol - is a major challenge for some. A challenge, the positive consequences of which are not long in coming. Your liver, in particular, will quickly reap the benefits. It plays a major role in the breakdown of alcohol. And that is hard work for this body. During a pause period, the liver gets a chance to rest. Read more about the positive effects of your break period on your liver here. Your heart and blood vessels also perform better during a break. This is especially noticeable in your cholesterol level. And there are even more benefits when you cross drinking alcohol off your list:
-You get up with a clear head
-You sleep better
-You lose weight more easily
- Your skin will glow more
-You save money
-Improve your memory and concentration
Alcohol and the (older) body
An older body reacts differently to alcohol than a younger body. This is due to all kinds of small changes in the body. For example, seniors have less body water and often a relative increase in body fat. In addition, the liver and kidneys work less efficiently, so that alcohol is broken down less quickly. Drinking alcohol also increases the risk of falling and most drugs do not combine well with alcohol. So take a look at our recipe page for alternative drinks. Tasty and healthy!
Stress and tensions
No matter how tempting when your head threatens to overflow with worries (what if I get infected with the coronavirus?, I don't dare go outside anymore, I don't want to burden my environment with my problems, etc.) drinking alcohol is not the solution now . Alcohol can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Alcohol temporarily numbs you and afterwards you can feel even more annoying. Find distraction, keep moving, move your mind, talk to others about your (anxiety) feelings, get enough sleep, eat healthy: in short, take extra good care of yourself. Find out more: read the article 'dealing with corona stress†