The elderly and alcohol: drug use

In previous articles you have been able to read why the elderly run an extra risk when they drink. For example, the elderly generally tolerate alcohol worse because of changes in the body. As a result, the concentration of alcohol is rather too high, the sensitivity to the effects increases and the degradation proceeds more slowly. Fall incidents also take place more easily and have greater consequences. And there's something else to keep in mind: alcohol and drug use.
You have already read a few times that alcohol and the elderly are not such a good combination. This is mainly due to the fact that the elderly have less body water and often a relative increase in body fat. In addition, the kidneys and kidneys work less efficiently and it is precisely these two organs that have to work extra hard during the breakdown process of the alcohol consumed. Because the alcohol is broken down less quickly, the alcohol percentage in the blood rises faster. This means that the (negative) effect of a glass of alcohol is much greater on the elderly than on young people.
The elderly run more health risks when they drink (excessively). How much and what exactly depends strongly on the total alcohol consumption of the drinker and the drinking pattern that someone has. In general we can say that: the higher the total consumption of alcohol, the greater the risk of harm. And the more alcohol consumed at a time, the more serious the damage (disease or injury). Source:
Alcohol and drug use
The above combination is one that should be handled with care. If you are taking medication, it is wise to read the package leaflet first. What does the package insert say about the use of alcohol in combination with the drug? If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Drugs with an anesthetic effect
You should be extra careful with drinking alcohol when you take medicines that have an anesthetic effect. For example: sleeping pills and sedatives, antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-epilepsy drugs, heavy painkillers and certain anti-allergy drugs. Drinking alcohol, in combination with one of the substances just mentioned, further enhances the sedative effect. As a result, concentration decreases, control over movements decreases and there is a higher risk of dizziness and balance disorders. Increased risk of falls and other accidents (source:
More risks of alcohol and medication
There are even more risks associated with combining drug use with alcohol. You can read which ones below.
-The combination with medication can also promote fatigue, sleeping problems, depressive symptoms, disorientation and forgetfulness.
- Drinking alcohol very regularly or daily causes higher blood pressure and related problems. Conversely, drinking a lot of alcohol can cause the blood pressure to drop sharply.
- The effect of both blood pressure-lowering and blood-increasing medication can be disrupted by drinking alcohol.
– Drinking alcohol can lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. It increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes, you should definitely adhere to the guidelines listed.
– Conversely, drinking a lot of alcohol in one go can cause a hypo in someone who has diabetes. People with diabetes who nevertheless drink alcohol should do so during a meal to avoid the risk of a hypo.
Drinking alcohol regularly raises cholesterol levels.
– If you are dealing with high cholesterol, it is best to drink as little alcohol as possible. If you do drink, limit this to a maximum of one glass a day and keep alcohol-free as many days as possible.
- Anyone who takes cholesterol-lowering drugs and drinks too much alcohol risks side effects such as muscle complaints.
Not drinking is still the healthiest option. An alcohol-free life comes with a lot of benefits. And a break also does your body a lot of good. Think about:
-Better fitness and weight loss -Healthier skin -Better concentration -Better absorption of vitamins -Sleep better -Reduce feelings of sadness or anxiety -No embarrassing displays -Financial advantages |