

Will the VRIJMIBO die?

The Friday afternoon drink -vrijmibo- is back now that we are working at the office again. Catching up with your colleagues with a beer or wine in hand is a pleasant end to the week.…
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True or False?

Beer after wine brings venom, wine after beer gives pleasure You probably know the above expression. But is it also correct? The University of Cambridge and the Universität Witten/Herdecke did…
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Midwife speaking

Every month, midwife Dieuwke Ottens talks about what she experiences in her practice as a midwife. In this newsletter she tells about the moments when it is (more) difficult not to drink alcohol…
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Stewed pears in berry juice

Stewed pears are often prepared in red wine or even in liqueur. This is of course not possible during your pregnancy. With this recipe you cook them in berry juice. At least as tasty!…
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