

Tea on the map

Asking for the wine list in a restaurant is quite normal. If you don't want alcohol, it quickly becomes 'a soft drink' or just water. There is almost never an alternative…
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Give your liver a rest

Your liver is an important organ that not only absorbs necessary nutrients from your blood, but also neutralizes toxic substances. Long-term excessive alcohol consumption can damage liver cells. In an alcohol-free…
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Film your last drink

For the VPRO documentary ROES, about the Dutch drinking culture, filmmaker Leo de Boer asks IkPas participants to film their last drink: as the start of the stop month. Of all these videos will then…
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I'll pass soon

Numbers are a thing for me now. The countdown has begun. 3 more days and then on 31-12-2018 and from 11.59.59 am I will not be…
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Break benefit

For those who are still hesitating: the advantages of IkPas, 30 days of your alcohol consumption on a break, in a row. (Based on the experiences of previous campaigns) – Sleeping better – Physically fitter…
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We don't know losers

You're off. You are no longer allowed to participate. You usually hear that when you haven't achieved something. End exercise if you made a mistake. At IkPas…
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Who participates?

Since the start in 2015, IkPas has attracted a relatively large number of people who drink more frequently and more often than the Dutch population. In the 2018 promotion, the average weekly consumption was…
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Good intentions

Two more weeks and then 2019 starts. With January 1 in sight, we often make a list of good intentions. More attention to the friend who just got divorced. The…
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