Water with: spicy rose water

Following on from the hopeful article 'Train your brain: water makes you extra happy', we present you a nice water recipe. Because water can be surprisingly spicy. This recipe goes perfectly with an oriental dish.
rose pepper
lime-rose-pepper water
Lime 2 wedges
Sereh 1 stem cut in half lengthwise
Lime leaves 6 pieces
Rose water 2 tablespoons
Red pepper ¼ red pepper cut in length with seeds
Tap water 1 liter
Preparation method
• Carefully squeeze the lime wedges into the carafe a little and then add the wedges.
• Crush the lemongrass stems by tapping them with the back of a knife, this will release the
flavors better free.
• Do the same with the red pepper, but don't hit the flesh too hard with the knife.
• Roll up the lime leaves and tap them gently and gently with the back of a knife.
• Fill the carafe with rose water, lemongrass, crushed lime leaves and red pepper.
• Add some ice cubes and fill the carafe with cold tap water.
Tip: Make ice cubes with rose petals. Super simple and it looks very nice in the carafe.
A delicious recipe from Brabant Water.