Four weeks later: this is what happens to you

Four weeks on the road and what a profit you have already made! This profit is increasing day by day, even without you necessarily noticing it. But most are able to point out one or more advantages. Read on to determine whether the following benefits apply to you, yes or no.
peach skin
Around this time, a nice side effect of not drinking can reveal itself: your skin starts to look great. Alcohol decreases the production of the antidiuretic hormone, which causes you to lose water and sodium more quickly. Low tissue water, courtesy of the daily fizz, is the sworn enemy of soft, plump, peachy skin. Booze is also one of the big triggers for rosacea or facial redness. As if that weren't enough, after a few weeks of a break, the pores on the face should also reduce.
Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Cholesterol
If you have high blood pressure, there's a good chance it will start to drop by the end of your challenge. Research has shown that just four weeks without a drink can be enough to lower both blood pressure and heart rate. The risk of type 2 diabetes has already started to decrease and your cholesterol levels should start to drop.
Your good old liver
But what about your liver? Your liver has to process the drink into waste products along with the other 500 tasks it performs in your body. During your break period, your liver doesn't have to worry about the alcohol breakdown process. That means he can focus on his other tasks.
Party in the toilet
You may also notice changes in your toilet visit during this week. If you've experienced bloating, wind, and diarrhea or constipation, you've probably already noticed a reduction in symptoms. Relief everywhere!
immune system
Booze suppresses your body's immune system and during your break period you'll find yourself less likely to succumb to every little cold virus that's prevalent and even if you're bothered by something, your recovery time is reduced. We've said it before in recent days: good resistance is very important. Sleep enough, eat healthy and move enough!
The risk of developing certain cancers, including two of the most common in the world: breast and colon cancer, decreases. You've also lowered your tolerance to alcohol, so if you start drinking alcohol again after this challenge, you may not be able to drink as much as before. In other words: these will be cheap nights out.
Where are my benefits?
Some people will experience these benefits at different times, if at all. This could be due to how much you've been drinking before, other lifestyle changes (if you swap your nightcap for an espresso, you probably won't have better sleep), or it's all to do with the idiosyncrasies of your particular body. That doesn't mean your break period isn't doing you any good, nor does it mean you won't feel better in the long run – so don't give up if you don't experience these effects exactly as described above. And especially pay attention to the benefits that have not been mentioned, but that you do experience!