Fresh and fruity

Ingredients for 1 carafe.
- Yellow grapefruit 3 wedges
- Red grapefruit 3 wedges
- Basil 2 sprigs
- 12 blueberries
- 1 liter tap water
• Wash the basil and leave the leaves of one sprig on the stem.
• Pick the leaves from the other twig, roll them up and strike them gently with the back of a knife. Then poke the bare basil sprig through it.
• Cut the blueberries in half.
• Remove the peel from the grapefruits so that only the pulp remains.
• Now cut out the grapefruit segments, each of 3 pieces.
•Fill the carafe with all ingredients
•Add some ice cubes and fill the carafe with cold tap water.
Make ice cubes from grapefruit juice instead of regular ice cubes.
A delicious recipe from Brabant Water.
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