From Dry January to Try February

Be honest, are there still Christmas lights in or around your house? And is that because you still find it so cozy in this unsociable time, or mainly because you don't feel like cleaning it up yet?
When we bought the house we now live in, there was a stove in the living room. The previous owner wanted to take it to his new home. The first thing we did was remove the empty flue. We have not smoked in our entire lives and will not start. But on the roof there is still an intensely ugly stovepipe of no use. And it's been leaking there for over a year. When there is a lot of precipitation, it seeps through the ceiling plates into the attic room, where I work. I had already asked someone in May if they would fix it for me. Then I just had to arrange new old roof tiles. Presumably there was still 1 behind bulkheads in the attic, so I could take it with me to buy 10 of the same. But to get to that, I'd have to empty an overstuffed closet. Delay, delay.. and the leak gets nice, leaks.
Also, I've been leaking for a long time myself. That's a bit of a raunchy story so I'll spare you the details. But it is not without fear, nor without consequences. Delayed a doctor's visit for far too long. This week – I am also working out fanatically again – my mindset has been reset. I strongly feel the need to tackle the necessary issues vigorously, and I actually feel like doing it meaningfully. Check things off. The appointment for a scope has been made. It's going to happen pretty soon and I'm ready for it. In addition, dived into the mess and crawled out of the closet with a roof tile! I immediately got ten of those things from the potter and also called a handyman. On Saturday, a craftsman will remove that pipe from the roof and close the hole.
How beautiful it is to end Dry January with literally closing things, to get this 'Dry': our house and myself! I would almost say: that will be Pannenbier on Sunday! But we're not there yet, and I'm going to continue pausing/detoxing for a while. I like it just fine. And it will help me achieve some goals. After Dry January, Try February! New challenges. The rooms of both our daughters need to be completely renovated; new wallpaper or painting, new floor, fix some planks. My one daughter was supposed to get that for her birthday last year. Her birthday is in three weeks. And the other has had the baby wallpaper on the walls for 12 years. Then I still have holiday photos from four years on my computer, with which I want to put together photo albums… Done with procrastinating!
As for alcohol: In Try February I will try to keep up with not drinking and especially see the glass half full more often, proverbially, without having to look too deeply into it. In other years after the IkPass I went for 'controlled drinking', using all kinds of antics. Then I decided to drink some water between every two alcoholic drinks. I also constantly monitored the time for average usage. But I got so tired of thinking while drinking that I decided not to drink while thinking!
I am really looking forward to cafe and restaurant visits and also a cozy evening 'hanging out' at someone's home. But it may be that I have a bit of a hard time not to join the drink. I haven't had to resist that for so long that I can hardly remember how I always stood my ground among a roaring crowd. But I'm sure it will be fine. I'm happy for everyone who works in the hospitality industry that there are finally better prospects. Also beneficial to me as a graphic designer; design event posters and social media posts, menu cards, advertisements… fun and rewarding work for fun, grateful people.
Speaking of which: I want to thank all IkPas employees for all the information and support and also the bloggers and vloggers! Still, I learned new things this month and I enjoyed reading many articles. Dry January is almost over: 'mission accomplished'. But what next..? What are you doing? My non-binding advice: discuss with the people around you how it went for you. Talk about it with your family, with relatives and your friends. Because, besides yourself of course, those are the ones you did it for and with whom. I hope that the IkPas alcohol break went well for you and that you especially liked it and that you are a little proud of yourself anyway. You can be sure!